How Artificial Intelligence Improves Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability: A Global Thematic Analysis


  • Siddhartha Vadlamudi Vintech Solutions



Environmental sustainability, Artificial intelligence, Agricultural productivity, Thematic analysis


In the face of the agricultural sector's challenges, food security with an increasing human population and high demand for food is a significant problem. Traditional methods used by farmers have not been sufficient to meet the food requirements of the growing population. As a result, the agricultural sector has begun to deploy artificial intelligence to meet the demand for food and sustainability. This study was conducted to examine how AI improves farmers' productivity and sustainability. Data were analyzed using centering resonance analysis, t-test, ANOVA, and text mining news articles from 2014-2019 in Africa, Asia, Europe, and North America. Results show that AI is used primarily to increase productivity and efficiency and secondarily to address labor shortages and environmental sustainability concerns. The results at the regional level reflect the active adoption of AI in North America and Europe, with increasing efforts in Asia and Africa.


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Author Biography

  • Siddhartha Vadlamudi, Vintech Solutions

    AT & T Services Inc., Vintech Solutions, Plano, TX, USA


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How to Cite

Vadlamudi, S. (2019). How Artificial Intelligence Improves Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability: A Global Thematic Analysis. Asia Pacific Journal of Energy and Environment, 6(2), 91-100.

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