A Parametric Study Of Window, Orientation And Shading to Minimize Energy Consuption in Mechanically Ventilated High Rise Office Buildings in Dhaka, Bangladesh


  • Md Shajjad Hossain BRAC University




Glazing proportion, luminous environment, thermal comfort, highrise office, parametric, energy efficiency


Vital statistics of a building, meaning geometric attributes, are very important design tool to manipulate energy performance of a building which is often neglected. Though a lot of recent researches focused on increasing capabilities of material and technology to build energy efficient buildings, design elements such as form, shape, window, orientation, etc. can play a very important and effective role to increase energy efficiency. The strategic design decisions about geometric attributes in the design phase costs almost nothing and can save energy bills through lifetime of the building, which is yet be specified in particular climatic region and particular building types where energy consumption matters in national scale. This paper investigates the critical proportion of façade glazing through parametric study by simulation to obtain optimum balance between luminous and thermal behavior as well as energy consumption. The context of the study is Dhaka, with tropical monsoon climate where heat and humidity is a big concern. The experiment is carried out and hence relevant to highrise office building due to its large vertical surface compared to insignificant roof area. The outcomes indicate that significant harvesting of daylight and reduction of total energy consumption by 50% comes with proper shading on large glazing on East and West facade; and 30% on South facade.



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Author Biography

  • Md Shajjad Hossain, BRAC University

    Department of Architecture, BRAC University, Dhaka, BANGLADESH


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How to Cite

Hossain, M. S. . (2020). A Parametric Study Of Window, Orientation And Shading to Minimize Energy Consuption in Mechanically Ventilated High Rise Office Buildings in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Asia Pacific Journal of Energy and Environment, 7(1), 27-38. https://doi.org/10.18034/apjee.v7i1.271

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