Structural Analysis of NaYF4 Solution Processed Nanoparticles for Hela Cell Studies


  • Cliff Orori Mosiori Technical University of Mombasa
  • John. Maera Maasai Mara University



endocytosis, HeLa cell, incubation, nanocrystal, polyvinylpyrrolidone


The NaYF4 nanoparticles were prepared and analyzed. Its structural analysis confirmed the formation of nanocrystals of desired sizes and spectral properties that can be incorporated into Hela cell studies. The internalization of NaYF4 nanoparticles in HeLa cells was determined at different nanoparticles concentrations and for incubation periods from 3 to 24 hours using various techniques. The images revealed a redistribution of nanoparticles inside the cell that increased with incubation time, concentration levels, and depended on the presence of the transfection factor. The study identified factors responsible for effective endocytosis of the NaYF4 nanoparticles to HeLa cells. Thus this procedure or method could be applied to investigate a wide range of future “smart” theranostic agents that may result in be very promising fluorescent probes for imaging real-time cellular dynamics.


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Author Biographies

  • Cliff Orori Mosiori, Technical University of Mombasa

    Department of Mathematics and Physics, Technical University of Mombasa, P. O. Box 90420, Mombasa, KENYA

  • John. Maera , Maasai Mara University

    Department of Mathematics and Physical Sciences, Maasai Mara University, P. O. Box 420, Narok, KENYA


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Peer-reviewed Article

How to Cite

Mosiori, C. O. ., & Maera , J. (2020). Structural Analysis of NaYF4 Solution Processed Nanoparticles for Hela Cell Studies. Malaysian Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 7(2), 87-92.

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