COVID-19 in Italy: Remedies to Reduce the Infections and Deaths
COVID-19 outbreak, SARS-CoV-2, pandemic, Lombardy outbreak, ItalyAbstract
COVID-19 is a novel (new) coronavirus fatal disease caused by SARS-COV-2 (2019-nCoV). The outbreak of this pandemic first has been identified in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China on 1 December 2019, and has spread worldwide very quickly. It is now a major global health threat. After the World War II, the world faces such a major challenge in health sector and economy. The virus is transmitted human-to-human through the respiratory system. From the poor to the rich, infants to old, every people are infected from this virus. The disease spreads in Italy very fast and the north of the country is mostly affected. Lombardy Region is the most infected region in the country. An attempt has been made here to discuss the aspects of infection and deaths due to COVID-19 in Italy.
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