About the Journal
ABC-JAR is a registered prefix holder of CrossRef and we coin all peer-reviewed article DOIs through them. The Digital Object Identifier (DOI) links to ensure that there are persistent identifiers to articles published with us. CrossRef is the official DOI registration agency for scholarly and professional publications.
Creative Commons (CC) is a nonprofit organization that enables the sharing and use of creativity and knowledge through free legal tools. We use CC-BY-NC licensing on all Science International articles (see each article for the exact CC-BY version used). This means authors retain their copyright, while at the same time others can freely copy & reuse the articles without needing to ask further permission. If a publisher asks you to sign over your copyright then it becomes difficult, expensive, or impossible for others to access your research.
All of our article metadata is openly available for harvesting by indexing services via OAI-PMH and the journals are registered with Open Archives. Via OAI-PMH, all of our journals are indexed in abcGATE and WorldCat.
i-Proclaim uses LOCKSS “lots of copies keep stuff safe”, to ensure the long-term survival of Web-based scholarly publications in the event that i-Proclaim stops publishing temporarily or the journals are no longer published. LOCKSS system has permission to collect, preserve, and serve the OJS Archival Unit of i-Proclaim.
We support and encourage the author self-archiving of all content (sometimes termed 'blue'). ABC Journal of Advanced Research is a RoMEO blue journal. All i-Proclaim journals are registered with SHERPA/RoMEO to ensure that the license terms and self-archiving policies of the journals are 100% clear. Archiving Policy-
Pre-print: author cannot archive pre-print (ie pre-refereeing)
Post-print: author can archive post-print final draft post-refereeing
Publisher's Version/PDF: author can archive publisher's version/PDF
Pre-print: author cannot archive pre-print (ie pre-refereeing)
Post-print: author can archive post-print final draft post-refereeing
Publisher's Version/PDF: author can archive publisher's version/PDF