Environmental Factors that influence Supply Chain Management Implementation in the Manufacturing Industries in Kenya: A Case of Manufacturing Industries in Nairobi, Kenya
Supply chain management systems, SCS Implementation, manufacturing industries, KenyaAbstract
The study looked at the factors influencing the implementation of supply chain management in the manufacturing industries in Kenya. The target population was the 52 manufacturing industries in Nairobi. Data was collected using questionnaires and semi-structured interview guide. A logit model was used to draw inferences on the factors influencing the implementation of supply chain management implementation in the manufacturing industries in Kenya. Two factors were found too positively and influence implementation of supply chain management implementation in the manufacturing industries in Kenya, while two other factors we found to hinder the implementation of supply chain management implementation in the manufacturing industries in Kenya.
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Copyright (c) 2012 Stephen Waithaka Titus, Tom Kimani Mburu, Julius Koror, Stephen Muathe

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