Performance of a Solar Humidification Dehumidification Desalination System on December 27th and 28th in North Cyprus
Humidification, Dehumidification, DesalinationAbstract
The present study is concerned with desalinating the saline water, using the humidification dehumidification method. An open air open water cycle is chosen, whilst forced air circulation is applied. The system utilizes water and air heating technique. The energy required for heating the air is provided by solar radiation, while the required energy for heating the water is provided by electricity. The goals of this study are: a) To study different existing systems in the literature; b) To review the governing equations for each segment of the desalination unit; and c) To conduct and experiment on the above described humidification dehumidification desalination unit under North Cyprus winter conditions. The solar air heater placed to azimuth angle of -20, with a tilt angle of 45 . According to the experiment, the optimum flow rate for water stream is 4 Lt/min, while the air flow rate is 1.5m3/min. Besides, the inlet water temperature to the evaporator is kept at 55◦c. The maximum productivity of 1.55 Lt/day.m2 is achieved for this condition. The present experiment implies that the maximum productivity is achieved with higher temperature of both air and water streams into the evaporator, higher flow rate for water and lower flow rate for air.
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Copyright (c) 2013 Uğur Atikol, Reza Enayatollahi, Seyed Saeed Madani

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