Speech Emotion Recognition Using Deep Learning Techniques


  • Apoorva Ganapathy Adobe Systems




Deep learning, LSTM, emotional speech database, speech emotion recognition


The developments in neural systems and the high demand requirement for exact and close actual Speech Emotion Recognition in human-computer interfaces mark it compulsory to liken existing methods and datasets in speech emotion detection to accomplish practicable clarifications and a securer comprehension of this unrestricted issue. The present investigation assessed deep learning methods for speech emotion detection with accessible datasets, tracked by predictable machine learning methods for SER. Finally, we present-day a multi-aspect assessment between concrete neural network methods in SER. The objective of this investigation is to deliver a review of the area of distinct SER.


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Author Biography

  • Apoorva Ganapathy, Adobe Systems

    Senior Developer, Adobe Systems, San Jose, California, USA


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How to Cite

Ganapathy, A. (2016). Speech Emotion Recognition Using Deep Learning Techniques. ABC Journal of Advanced Research, 5(2), 113-122. https://doi.org/10.18034/abcjar.v5i2.550