Effect of Different Parameters on Solar Pond Performance


  • Seyed Saeed Madani Eastern Mediterranean University




Salt gradient, solar pond, solar energy


By applying a model of finite differences, the thermal behavior of a large solar pond is studied in this paper. The 32-year data of sunny hour’s today-length ratio are used for the estimation of global radiation. The temperature data of a similar duration are used for evaluating the ambient temperature. The effects of the variation of different zone thicknesses on pond performance are studied. It is observed that the upper convective zone thickness should be as thin as possible, the non-convective zone might be from 1 to 2 m and the lower convective zone thickness may be designed based on the application needs. A thicker non convective zone provides more insulation against heat losses, and a thicker lower convective one supplies a higher storage capacity, though with a lower operating temperature. The heat may be extracted from the pond by either a constant or a variable loading pattern. The appropriate loading pattern can be selected based on the needs and operational temperature. The LCZ temperature of the pond, under several heat extraction patterns, is also presented for practical applications.          



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Author Biography

  • Seyed Saeed Madani, Eastern Mediterranean University

    Eastern Mediterranean University, Gazimağusa, NORTH CYPRUS


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How to Cite

Madani, S. . S. . . (2014). Effect of Different Parameters on Solar Pond Performance. Asia Pacific Journal of Energy and Environment, 1(1), 54-70. https://doi.org/10.18034/apjee.v1i1.211

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