The Object-Oriented Database Management System versus the Relational Database Management System: A Comparison
OODBMS, RDBMS, Contrast, Involvedness, LegacyAbstract
Both object-oriented and relational database management systems are referred to as DBMS. The web-scale is expanding at an incredible rate, and with it comes an increase in mobile applications, technologies, and social media platforms. The rapid growth of these technologies produces a variety of structured and unstructured data in various forms, each of which has various consequences for data security. Using RDBMS and OODBMS, this study's methodology outlines the development, installation, and management process of multiple and complicated data sets. This study gives a documented study comparing different kinds of data stored in databases by employing two types of database techniques: relational database method and object-oriented database technique. We use a different fingerprint database for the web and mobile devices. This database is also managed using different technologies, such as MySQL, and it accommodates data generated using distinct methods. In addition, this study explores the benefits and advantages of the various databases and determines the ideal database management system for organizations. According to the survey's findings, RDBMS stores data and the relationships between them in tables, but OODBMS stores data in objects, in a manner analogous to Object-Oriented Programming (OOP). According to the study's findings, the primary distinction between relational database management systems (RDBMS) and object-oriented database management systems (OODBMS) is that RDBMS is a Database Management System based on the relational model. In contrast, OODBMS is a Database Management System that facilitates creating and modeling data as objects.
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