Current Issue
Vol. 13 No. 2 (2024): July - December Issue
Global Disclosure of Economics and Business (GDEB) is a blind peer-reviewed journal presently published by i-Proclaim, Malaysia. GDEB is committed to promoting concepts related to Economics and Business Issues. GDEB is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles that contribute new novel experimentation and theoretical work in all areas of economics and business and its applications. The journal welcomes publications of quality papers on theoretical developments and practical applications in business and management. GDEB publishes papers in the shortest possible time, without compromising on quality. This enables research scholars to use their time effectively on the actual research rather than on the follow-ups.
Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Abdul Ghafoor Awan
Category: Inter-Disciplinary Journal
ISSN: 2305-9168 (Print) E-ISSN: 2307-9592 (Online)
Abbreviated key title: Glob. discl. econ. bus.
Frequency: Two (2) Times a Year
Review System: Double-Blind Peer Review
Circulation: Globally
Publication Fee: US$ 160
Licensing: CC-BY-NC 4.0 International License