The Linkage between Institutional Changes and Food Security in Mtwara Region, Tanzania


  • Robert N. Shole Stella Maris Mtwara University College
  • Kim A. Kayunze Sokoine University of Agriculture



Institutional changes, Food Security, Agriculture, Mtwara Region, Tanzania


This study focuses on the linkage between institutional changes and food security in Mtwara region. Institutional changes in terms of increase numbers of financial, commercial, hospitalizes, education, infrastructures and improved moral and altitudes of farmers have a direct relation with food availability and accessibility. Both formal and informal institutions have potentials to help improvement of food availability and accessibility. However, despite institutions dealing with food security having changed in Mtwara, food security is low. The fundamental question is which one among these institutions, has high impact on food security.This study sought to determine the linkage between institutional changes and food security in Mtwara region. The specific objectives of the study were to identify institutions existing and their functions at household level, analyze various sources of food grains and states of food security at the household level in Mtwara region, and assess the linkages between institutional changes and food security. Structured questionnaire, Focus Group Discussion and Oral interview had been useful for collecting primary information in which the best recorded interviewees were analyzed supplemented by documentaries (text and photography). Findings revealed that financial institutions and education have high impact on food security in the study area. Generally, this study concluded that banks, SACCOS, traditions (moral, attitudes, beliefs), and roadshave slightly difference effect on food security. Since 2010these institutions had been increased and improved and have a direct relation with food security.It is recommended that the, government and other stakeholders should create true transformation in rural people to provide them decent jobs, good living conditions, and different opportunities in order to maintain youth to stay in rural area for maximizing the food production. Further studies should be done on the factors influencing people to stay in rural areas in which agricultural activities are being done.



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Author Biographies

  • Robert N. Shole, Stella Maris Mtwara University College

    Lecturer, Stella Maris Mtwara University College, TANZANIA

  • Kim A. Kayunze, Sokoine University of Agriculture

    Associate Professor, Sokoine University of Agriculture, TANZANIA


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Peer-reviewed Article

How to Cite

Shole, R. N. ., & Kayunze, K. A. . (2019). The Linkage between Institutional Changes and Food Security in Mtwara Region, Tanzania. Malaysian Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 6(1), 59-66.

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