About the Journal
Scope of the Journal
The scope of the journal includes:
Humanity encourages relevant contributions of human rights, humanitarianism, and development in the modern and contemporary world from anthropology, economics, law & jurisprudence, history, philosophy, public health, sociology, educational science, psychology, religious studies, politics & government studies, army science, population science, and human development, as well as those contributions which seek to foster intersections between and among these disciplines.
Art represents an outlet of expression that is usually influenced by culture, which helps to change the culture. The primary scope of the art includes media arts, visual arts, folklore, fine art, action art, ancient studies, and sports education, etc.
Literature is a term used to describe written and sometimes spoken material. It can be distinguished according to primary forms such as English, linguistics, English, and literary criticism.
Education is to expedite the integration of research, theory, and practice. The topics to be covered by Education include Educational Psychology, Development of Learning Environment, E-Learning and Knowledge Management, Educational Technology, Early Childhood Education, Translator Education Practices, and Higher Education.
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