Blockchain as a Type of Distributed Ledger Technology
Blockchain, DTL, CryptographyAbstract
Distributed ledger technology (DLT) that stores data (usually immutable and sequenced transaction records) in a decentralized way through cryptography and consensus algorithms. The first widely recognized implementation of the blockchain took place in 2009 on the Bitcoin public blockchain. Since then, other types of blockchain have been developed for a wide range of applications and features built on common principles such as decentralization, encryption, consensus, and immutability. In particular, blockchain technology is most widely used in transaction settlement and digital currency banks and the financial sector, as well as in supply chain applications that help participants solve problems quickly and efficiently. Other use cases continue to be developed. As a form of information management, blockchain and related DLTs offer advantages over traditional databases and may help develop certain new technologies such as the Internet of Things. Blockchain regulation is currently restricted at the international and federal levels, but state-level legislation provides support and awareness of aspects of blockchain technology. Most of the current regulations are in the form of self-regulation by blockchain developers and related communities, but many challenges and risks such as data privacy and security need to be addressed in the near future.
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