Assessing the Nature of Job Satisfaction Level: A Study on Private Bank Employees in Bangladesh


  • Md. Najmul Hasan FCUB
  • Shazia Afrin FCUB
  • Mostafijur Rahman FCUB
  • Alim Al Ayub Ahmed Jiujiang University



Job satisfaction, Chi-square test, demographic characteristics, Bank employees, Bangladesh


The purpose of this study is to assess the nature of the job satisfaction level of private bank employees in Bangladesh. It used a semi-structured questionnaire which contains both pre-coded and open-ended questions. All questions were rated with the Likert 5-point scale. A Chi-square test was used to assess the relationship between independent and dependent variables. In this study, a significant inter-class relationship was observed between demographic characteristics namely sex, age, designation, salary, and family member, marital status, working environment, service period and family income, and job satisfaction indicators which are, participation in decision making, training facilities, autonomy in work, gender discrimination, working hour, chance of promotion, increase knowledge & capacity, the practice of MBO and surprisingly availability of tools and resources had no significant relation with any demographic factors. Employees who work as an officer (93.3%, p< .001) and withdraw salary 25,001-35,000 (88.2%, p< .000) cannot participate in decision making. But who works in the participative environment (83.9%, p< .000) get a proper training facility. Employees with <30-year age (83.3%, p< .016) cannot practice autonomy. Unmarried workers (53.8%, p< .006) face gender discrimination. Employees who work in an Autonomous environment (76.0%, p< .00001) do not get enough working hours. Employees with 30-35-year age (80.8%), p< .002) do not get a proper promotion. Male (98.0%, p< .001) report the organization increases its capacity and knowledge. Employees work in an autonomous environment (88.0%, p< .002) report that organization practices MBO. This study also shows that female employees are more satisfied than males. The overall situation can be improved by guaranteeing employees participation in decision making, regular training, providing appropriate increments and promotion, redesigning working hours and environment, and removing gender discrimination. Further Study is recommended.


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Author Biographies

  • Md. Najmul Hasan, FCUB

    Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, First Capital University of Bangladesh, Chuadanga, BANGLADESH

  • Shazia Afrin, FCUB

    Lecturer, Department of Business Administration, First Capital University of Bangladesh, Chuadanga, BANGLADESH

  • Mostafijur Rahman, FCUB

    Lecturer, Department of Business Administration, First Capital University of Bangladesh, Chuadanga, BANGLADESH

  • Alim Al Ayub Ahmed, Jiujiang University

    Professor (Visiting), School of Accounting, Jiujiang University, Jiujiang, Jiangxi, CHINA 


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How to Cite

Hasan, M. N. ., Afrin, S. ., Rahman, M. ., & Ahmed, A. A. A. . (2020). Assessing the Nature of Job Satisfaction Level: A Study on Private Bank Employees in Bangladesh. Global Disclosure of Economics and Business, 9(2), 67-88.

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