Control of Foot and Root Rot of Lentil by using Different Management Tools
Control, foot and root rot, yield, lentilAbstract
The experiment was conducted at the sick plot, Pulses Research Centre, Ishurdi, Pabna, Bangladesh during 2011-12 to find out the effect of chemical, botanicals, biocontrol agents and healthy looking seeds against foot and root rot of lentil. Chemical, botanicals, biocontrol agents and healthy looking seeds were used as treatments in this experiment. The lowest foot and root rot (21.67%) was obtained from when seed treatment with Provax 200 (2.5 g/kg seed) which was followed by seed treatment with Trichoderma harzianum compost (1:5) and apparently healthy looking seeds, and the highest incidence (41.50%) was obtained from untreated control. The highest number of pod/plant (45.26), number of seeds/plant (87.80), weight of seeds/plant (2.44 g) and yield (1845 kg/ha) were recorded in seed treatment with Provax 200 (2.5 g/kg seed) which were followed by seed treatment with Trichoderma harzianum compost (1:5) and apparently healthy looking seeds, and the lowest of these parameters were obtained from untreated control.
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