Analysing the Methods of Agrarian-Economic Terminology Lexicon Enrichment in French


  • Milena Dvorakova Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague



Word-formation process, specialist terminology, terminologization in French, statistical analysis


The paper deals with one of the principles of term formation in the economic terminology of the French language. When analyzing ways of enriching the French agrarian-economic terminology, a word-formation process of terminologization is discussed in more detail. To determine the degree of agrarian-economic terminologization in the French text, a statistical survey was carried out, based on four types of document - a scientific publication, university textbooks, popular professional publication and scientific paper. It would be necessary to use the results of the statistical analysis in the teaching of i.e., languages because the knowledge of the principle of the term formation is one of the prerequisites for mastering the terminology.



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Author Biography

  • Milena Dvorakova, Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague

    Department of Languages, Faculty of Economics and Management, Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague, Kamýcká 129,165 21 Praha 6, CZECH REPUBLIC


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Peer-reviewed Article

How to Cite

Dvorakova, M. . (2019). Analysing the Methods of Agrarian-Economic Terminology Lexicon Enrichment in French. Asian Journal of Humanity, Art and Literature, 6(1), 67-72.

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