Customer Perception on Bank Service Quality: A Comparative Study between Conventional Commercial Banks and Islamic Commercial Banks in Bangladesh


  • Sonia Rezina Uttara University
  • Nur Ahmad IBAIS University
  • Farhana Mitu Uttara University
  • Mohitul Ameen Ahmed Mustafi Uttara University



Conventional Commercial Banks, Islamic Commercial Banks, Customer Perception, Service Quality


Customer perception refers to the process by which a customer selects, organizes, and interprets information inputs to create a meaningful picture of the service quality within an organization. In the fast growing banking industry like Bangladesh, every bank is looking forward towards faster growth through providing better service quality than others. However, there are certain challenges started rising in front of the booming banking sector which are needed to be addressed immediately; such as, managing compliance, mitigating fraud/ cyber security, managing hiring decisions etc. It is obvious that, those who will efficiently handle these challenges will certainly lead the market and gain higher customer contentment. The main purpose of this study is to compare the customer perception towards the service Quality offered by Conventional Commercial Banks and Islamic Shariah-based Commercial Banks in Bangladesh through using SERVQUAL instrument. 204 respondents have been randomly selected for the study among them 162 is from Conventional banks and 42 are from Islamic banks. The findings of the research should help the policy makers and regulators in banking industry to have a deep insight towards the different perception of customers and assist in taking effective measures to achieve organizational goal through improving their service Quality.


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Author Biographies

  • Sonia Rezina, Uttara University

    Assistant Professor, School of Business (SoB), Uttara University, Dhaka, BANGLADESH

  • Nur Ahmad, IBAIS University

    Senior Lecturer, Department of Business Administration, IBAIS University, Dhaka, BANGLADESH

  • Farhana Mitu, Uttara University

    Senior Lecturer, School of Business (SoB), Uttara University, Dhaka, BANGLADESH

  • Mohitul Ameen Ahmed Mustafi, Uttara University

    Assistant Professor, School of Business (SoB), Uttara University, Dhaka, BANGLADESH


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How to Cite

Rezina, S. ., Ahmad, N. ., Mitu, F. ., & Mustafi, M. A. A. . (2016). Customer Perception on Bank Service Quality: A Comparative Study between Conventional Commercial Banks and Islamic Commercial Banks in Bangladesh. Global Disclosure of Economics and Business, 5(2), 109-124.

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