Counter Terrorism Approaches: With Reference to Bangladesh
Terrorism, Counter-terrorism Approaches, Hard Approaches, Soft ApproachesAbstract
Counter Terrorism Approaches in the context of Bangladesh is now the demanding topic of this year. Based on at least two decades of terrorist activities, now there is a blazing demand raised by scholars, think-tank, and civil society to revisit the approaches on counter-terrorism. The words counter-terrorism denotes to violent repressively condemns to terrorist such as killing, arresting, sanctioning, confining. But this paper will go beyond the hard approaches, though it agrees on some hard loom but give more emphasis on soft approaches that could root out the problem effectively. The soft approaches will deal with community-oriented approaches to counter-terrorism, counter-extremism and de-radicalization, holistic and case by case initiatives approach. Hard approaches will deal with strategic approaches, such as, the policies, measures, and stages to counter-terrorism. The community-oriented approaches acknowledge the local dimension of terrorism and suggest cooperation buildup approaches as the method to correct this local terrorism. Counter-extremism and de-radicalization include Counter ideology initiatives, communication theory or different storytelling initiative to counter ideology, and rehabilitation solution model. The holistic approaches will accredit the reality that no nation can move ahead alone in countering terrorism. Though the case by case approach is simply the combination of both hard and soft approaches, it also emphasizes on softness to counter-terrorism.
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