Factors that affect Women Participation in Leadership and Decision Making Position


  • Endale Alemu Hora Jimma University Collage of Social Sciences




Affirmative action, Leadership, Gender class ceiling, Empowerment, Decision Making Process, Ethiopia


This study aimed to identify status of women in Bedele town administration, as well point out factors hindering women from the participating in public and forward some possible recommendations for solving the problems identified through study. Primarily, the study is of descriptive in nature and survey method was used in data gathering. Data used in this paper is mainly primary but to some extent secondary data as well, quantitative and qualitative types was incorporated. In doing this research paper, of total employees existing in Bedele Town administration, 108 (30% of total population) sample respondents were selected using systematic random sampling  method, and were placed questionnaires  containing open ended and closed ended nature questions personally, 103 (95.37%) of them had filled and returned the questionnaire. In addition, a mayor of the town and Women Affair office head were addressed through interview using interview guide. In way of analyzing data, techniques such as tabulation, percentages, chart and the like has been employed. Study revealed that, in public institutions existed in Bedele Town, the majority of women were having an educational status of diploma and lower,  holding lower  non decision making and leadership positions,  and observed major barriers hindering women from public leadership and decision-making positions include: Socio-cultural attitudes and  lack of acquisition of the necessary experience for taking part in public decision-making, Over burden of domestic responsibilities continuation of the negative attitudes regarding women’s ability to lead and govern, Lack of role models of women leaders for young women and girls, and the like can be stated. Finally, the researcher has forwarded some possible ways in which women could appear in public decision making and leadership.


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Author Biography

  • Endale Alemu Hora , Jimma University Collage of Social Sciences

    Department of Sociology and Social Work, Jimma University Collage of Social Sciences, Ethiopia


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Peer-reviewed Article

How to Cite

Hora , E. A. . (2014). Factors that affect Women Participation in Leadership and Decision Making Position. Asian Journal of Humanity, Art and Literature, 1(2), 97-117. https://doi.org/10.18034/ajhal.v1i2.287

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