Cognitive Learning Strategies and the Students in Tertiary Institution


  • Janet Ngozi Igbo University of Nigeria
  • Mbagwu Felicia University of Nigeria
  • A. Oboegbulem University of Nigeria



Learning, application, cognitive learning strategies, awareness


The level of students educational performances remain sources of concern to every stakeholder in the education sector. Many techniques have been tried to find the solution to this problem. Researchers have recommended different methods more especially cognitive learning strategies. Recently, students have been exposed to cognitive learning strategies, yet the performances of students do not justify the application of these strategies.  The researchers examined the extent of students’ awareness of these cognitive strategies as well as the extent of the application. The study was guided by two purposes and two research questions. The study adopted the descriptive survey design. In carrying out the study Faculty of education, University of Nigeria was used. The results indicated that the students are aware of almost all the cognitive strategies, but the problem was that the students minimally applied these learning strategies. While some were not applied at all.


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Author Biographies

  • Janet Ngozi Igbo, University of Nigeria

    Department of Educational Foundations, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, NIGERIA

  • Mbagwu Felicia, University of Nigeria

    Associate Professor, Department of Adult Education, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, NIGERIA

  • A. Oboegbulem, University of Nigeria

    Associate Professor, Department of Educational Foundations, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, NIGERIA


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Peer-reviewed Article

How to Cite

Igbo, J. N. ., Felicia, M. ., & Oboegbulem, A. . (2016). Cognitive Learning Strategies and the Students in Tertiary Institution. Asian Journal of Humanity, Art and Literature, 3(2), 57-66.

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