Gradient Descent is a Technique for Learning to Learn


  • Taposh Kumar Neogy IBA, Rajshahi
  • Naresh Babu Bynagari Keypixel Software Solutions



Gradient decent, Long Short Term Memory (LSTM), Gauss-Newton matrix, Machine learning, Recurrent neural network (RNN)


In machine learning, the transition from hand-designed features to learned features has been a huge success. Regardless, optimization methods are still created by hand. In this study, we illustrate how an optimization method's design can be recast as a learning problem, allowing the algorithm to automatically learn to exploit structure in the problems of interest. On the tasks for which they are taught, our learning algorithms, implemented by LSTMs, beat generic, hand-designed competitors, and they also adapt well to other challenges with comparable structure. We show this on a variety of tasks, including simple convex problems, neural network training, and visual styling with neural art.



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Author Biographies

  • Taposh Kumar Neogy, IBA, Rajshahi

    Assistant Professor of Accounting, Department of Business Administration, Institute of Business Administration (IBA), Rajshahi (under National University), BANGLADESH

  • Naresh Babu Bynagari, Keypixel Software Solutions

    Andriod Developer, Keypixel Software Solutions, 777 Washington rd Parlin NJ 08859, Middlesex, USA


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Peer-reviewed Article

How to Cite

Neogy, T. K., & Bynagari, N. B. (2018). Gradient Descent is a Technique for Learning to Learn. Asian Journal of Humanity, Art and Literature, 5(2), 145-156.

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