Sexual and Reproductive Health in (Nigeria) Africa: Issues, Debate and Approaches


  • Diana-Abasi Ibanga University of Calabar



Reproductive Health, Ethics, Sex Education, Islam, Christianity, Nigeria


Human reproductive health is still at risk in Nigeria. In response to the problem, the Federal Government of Nigeria launched the National Reproductive Health Policy in 2001 to serve as the framework to base reproductive health strategies and interventions. Despite this, the country is far from achieving its set target. Several factors have been identified as the elements behind this challenge. One of such factor is cultural and religious beliefs. Religions have been known to have influenced people on beliefs of various kinds, especially on the issue of human sexuality and reproduction. There are two main religions in Nigeria – Christianity, and Islam. Their doctrines on sexual and reproductive health have been challenging. This paper sets out to map out these religious perspectives in the light of contemporary and practical relevance based on a sound philosophical understanding. This approach is important in order to bridge the communication gap between the cultural/religious community and the public health intervention workforce, so as to create synergy towards effective action. Moreover, the paper argues that silence on sexual matters should no longer be held as a virtue since traditional norms have lost their capacity to modernity.



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Author Biography

  • Diana-Abasi Ibanga, University of Calabar

    Department of Philosophy, University of Calabar, Cross River State, NIGERIA


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Peer-reviewed Article

How to Cite

Ibanga, D.-A. . (2020). Sexual and Reproductive Health in (Nigeria) Africa: Issues, Debate and Approaches. Asian Journal of Humanity, Art and Literature, 7(1), 21-32.