Increasing the Adoption of Canadian Retail Businesses’ Websites: Canadian Young Generation Consumers' Enticement


  • Allen Lim Chong Guan East Stroudsburg University, USA
  • Goi Chai Lee Curtin University, AUSTRALIA
  • Peter Dell Curtin University, AUSTRALIA



Retail Business, Adoption of Retail Websites, Young Generation, Consumers' Enticement


This research contributes significantly to academic and practitioner knowledge in the areas of young generation customers' enticement for expanding the adoption of small companies and internet commerce. This is the first time that a study has been done especially on the behavioral usage of Canadian Young consumers' websites by Canadian retail businesses. The purpose of this study is to gain a better understanding of how the Canadian Young Generation engages with retail firms' websites. The research model for this study is an adaptation of the UTAUT2 paradigm. It reaffirms the literature review's usage of the modified UTAUT2 model to describe this research. This research aims to fill a need in the existing knowledge about the Canadian Young Generation's use of retail firms' websites. It is critical that additional steps to protect security and privacy, as well as to create trust, be implemented to improve the Young Generation's confidence in the retail websites of small Canadian firms. Internet costs remain high in Canada, and it is proposed that the Canadian federal government provide additional licenses to Internet Service Providers (ISPs) in order to increase competition among ISPs and therefore decrease Internet charges.


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How to Cite

Guan, A. L. C., Lee, G. C., & Dell, P. (2021). Increasing the Adoption of Canadian Retail Businesses’ Websites: Canadian Young Generation Consumers’ Enticement. Global Disclosure of Economics and Business, 10(1), 17-36.

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