Job Satisfaction among Female Fculties of Different Public and Private Universities in Bangladesh: A Comparative Analysis
Job satisfaction, female faculties, UniversityAbstract
Nowadays, one of the most widely discussed issues is job satisfaction, as teaching requires a great deal of thoroughness and commitment. Therefore, in teaching it is important to have mental peace and loyalty than physical presence. In this study, the researchers investigated the comparative level of job satisfaction among the faculty members of public and private universities in Bangladesh. Based on a self-administered questionnaire, it attempts to gain insights into the satisfaction levels from the perspective of female university teachers. The study concluded with the facts that not only public but also private faculties are overall satisfied with their present condition. As the faculties of public universities are government service holders, so they get provident fund and apartment with medical facilities. However, private universities get good salary in regular basis. It has been found that there is no significant difference between public and private female faculty members regarding job satisfaction.
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