Measuring Customers’ Satisfaction Regarding Different Services of Mobile Telecom Operator Companies in Bangladesh: An Evaluation
Customers’ Satisfaction, Services, Mobile Telecom Company, BangladeshAbstract
The purpose of the present research study is to measure the customer satisfaction regarding the different services of the mobile telecom operator companies inBangladesh. The mobile telecom sectors are growing rapidly and the contribution of this sector to economic development is very significant. The study surveyed 150 users’ opinions to determine the satisfaction level regarding the different services of the mobile telecom operator companies inBangladesh. On the basis of findings it is evident that the most of the respondents opined that they are moderately satisfied of getting the different services of the mobile telecom operator companies inBangladesh. This study also revels that there is no significant difference of opinions among the respondent regarding getting the different services of the mobile telecom operator companies in the most of the cases.
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