Strategies for Overcoming Fear to Become an Elegant Presenter
Presentation, Strategies for Good Presentation, Speech Writing, Visual Aid, Oral PresentationAbstract
Communicating an effective message by focusing on useful content is crucial for perfect presentation. Confirmation of the message construction is possible only by proper planning and doing perfect research on the stipulated topic. The presentation goal is to communicate the required message in an understandable medium to the target audience. As verbal and nonverbal factors carry the same weight, considering them equally to develop strong presentation skills are mandatory. Therefore the main concentration of the paper is on the strategies required to know to get the proper preparation for presentation to overcome fundamental problems. The importance of relevant ground work on preparing presentation, the way to use phrasing, pausing, the techniques of writing a speech, use of visual aids all the fields are included in the paper to make a presenter elegant.
JEL Classification Code: M00
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