Determinants of Cross-cultural Adjustment among Expatriate Employees: The Role of Personality


  • Ekta Sharma Ahmmedabad University



Expatriates, cultural empathy, open-mindedness, social initiative, emotional stability, flexibility


The present paper examined the personality of the Indian expatriates. Along with the Multi personality questionnaire to assess personality, three levels of adjustment were also used. This paper focuses on such personal characteristics, like cultural empathy, open mindedness etc., as a personality characteristic that is expected to either facilitate or impede cross-cultural adaptation. In this research the Multi-culture personality questionnaire is administered on 340 expatriates out of which, 180 are from US and 160 are from Japan. The sample includes 204 males and 136 females. This study can also be helpful in the recruitment and selection process of the candidates for expatriation. Cultural empathy turns out to be the predictor of personal adjustment. Flexibility is strongly correlated to the social adjustment. Females are low on emotional stability & social Initiative.

GEL Classification Code: J50; M12; M54


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Author Biography

  • Ekta Sharma , Ahmmedabad University

    Assistant Professor  and Coordinator & Head, MBA-Programmme, AM School of Management, Ahmmedabad University, India


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How to Cite

Sharma , E. . (2012). Determinants of Cross-cultural Adjustment among Expatriate Employees: The Role of Personality . Global Disclosure of Economics and Business, 1(1), 31-43.

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