Effective Parental Monitoring: As Determinant of Conduct Disorder among Children
Effective Parental Monitoring, Conduct Disorder, Conduct Problems, Disruptive BehaviorAbstract
Parental monitoring is important to help comprehending the conduct problems with children; it truly is widely recognized being a possibility element for the development regarding child as well as teenage conduct problems. Current study was directed to examine relationship between parental monitoring and conduct disorder among children. The sample of 100 children (50 boys and 50 girls) was select randomly and their mothers were approached from different schools of Multan. Disruptive Behavior Disorder Rating Scale (Malik, T.A, 2011) and Parental Monitoring Scale (Capaldi& Patterson, 1989) were used. Research finding showed that parental monitoring has significant effect on conduct disorder. Findings of research study depicted that a significant negative correlation between parental monitoring and conducts disorder. The finding depicted to socioeconomic status showed that children with high and low socioeconomic status have significant differences on the level of parental monitoring and conduct disorder. The findings pertaining to educational differences showed that educated and uneducated mother of children have significant differences on the level of parental monitoring and conduct disorder. The findings showed that mother’s work status has significant differences on the level of parental monitoring and conduct disorder among children and the findings pertaining that mother's age have significant differences on the level of parental monitoring and conduct disorder.
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