Influence of Localized Surface Plasmon Polaritons on Silver Nanoparticles
Polaritons Bio-sensing, Absorption, Extinction, Cross-section, Plasmons, ScatteringAbstract
In this article, we present a theoretical study on localized surface Plasmon of spherical Ag nanoparticles (NPs) done by numerical simulation. A plane EM wave was used to determine absorption cross-section and results showed that excitation of LSPPs produced an electric field on the surface of the nanoparticle. This field causes a large cross sectional area that influences higher scattering of incident photon at the surface of an absorber layer. It was concluded that LSPPs excitations in small size spherical particles can be utilized in low-cost solar cells to increase PCE of solar panels and can be expanded to many other fields of optoelectronic technologies ranging from solar cells, through photo diodes to optical bio-sensing applications.
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