Impacts of Energy Subsidy in Bangladesh: An Analysis
Energy subsidy, Renewable energy, Non-renewable energy, Environmental impact, Economic impactAbstract
Energy subsidies are widespread around the world but country wise varying greatly by the importance of energy supply. As a developing country Bangladesh contains various energy e.g- electricity, natural gas, comprehensive natural gas (CNG), liquefied natural gas (LNG), hydro-electricity, biomass etc. to convey the production purpose, peoples’ demand, subsistence needs of general people and standard livelihood. But it is not entirely possible to maintain all kind of national purpose by stored energy which required the essential subsidies to import the necessary energy from abroad as such as above BDT 282 billion (US$ 3.4 billion) in 2012. Although government provides subsidies for the necessary energy but it (subsidies) has various social, economic and environmental impact that plays the influential impact on our entire national economic growth and development process which is analyzed in the present study.
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